
Workplace Flexibility Part 1: The Phone Story

Little did we know what was in store when
we would be introduced to the world of
smart phones almost 3 years later.
 Recently I lost my cell phone.  We had gone on a play date, my purse was overstuffed with snacks, little sweaters, wipes, pull ups, old receipts, lists, and my cell phone, precariously perched on top.  The next day when I wanted to make a call on the go, I spent the next hour in a fruitless search for the little red jewel that allowed me to keep my husband in the loops when things don't go as planned.  Instead of spending another 2 hours commuting to the park, searching and commuting back, all with the risk of returning with empty hands - though no risk of an empty purse - I started hatching a plan on how to replace it.  Fast forward to today, I have a fabulous pink window into the world that I can peer into whenever I have even the tiniest moment.  This has enabled me to start reading my first book, downloaded directly to my hot pink pocket sized marvel, since I gave birth 3 years ago.

I downloaded the app for Facebook to my phone.  I live for checking the "news feed".  I can check in on what my friends and family are experiencing, including a random nonsense phase posted by my husband - the most recent was "Uchi Muchi" - that while not expressly included in my marriage vows, I still feel obligate to "like".  I also love to hear about the Mother PAC.  Who knew this kind of thing existed.  It's a volunteer political action committee, originally hoping to promote mothers to participate directly in politics, and now more realistically focusing on supporting organizations, political issues and candidates that benefit mothers and families.  What an incredible idea!

So I tell you this long winding story because the Mother PAC posted on Facebook an article about the Workforce Flexibility Conference held in Washington DC at the end of November.  I'll tell you more about it in my next post.  Stay tuned!

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